Friday, July 29, 2016



Use waste Lemon apply on your face and leave it for 15 mints. wash with cold water.

2. Tomato Plunk

Rub Tomato Plunk on your face and neck for 20 mints. Wash with cold water.

Its Helps to remove Tan. Glow your Face

3. Rose Water

Apply on your face with soft cotton or a smooth Brush leave it for 20 Mints. Wash with cold water

It Helps to remove tan and you will feel fresh.

4. Milk  

Apply on your face with soft cotton or a smooth Brush leave it for 20 Mints. Wash with Luke cold water

Its Helps to remove Tan. Glow your Face

5. Honey+Sugar

Make a paste of honey and sugar 

Apply properly on your face 

As it get Dry, wet your hands with Luke warm water and Massage your face for 10 Mints

It helps to remove Tan & Death Skin. Face glow



After using any above things don't use Soap on your face immediately. 

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Stop Green Tea?

Camellia sinensis sinensis: This is a smaller-leafed variety native to China that is typically used to make green and white teas. It evolved as a shrub growing in sunny regions with drier, cooler climates. It has a high tolerance for cold and thrives in mountainous regions.

Everybody  knows the advantages of GREEN TEA, But Nobody are bother to know the disadvantages of GREEN TEA. 
Here are some disadvantages of GREEN TEA.   
1.     Its caffeine content might be lower than that of its counterparts, but over consumption of green tea (more than three to five times a day) can lead to several ailments. These include insomnia, upset stomach, nausea, diarrhea, and frequent urination in some people.
2.     Risky During Pregnancy And Lactation: Completely avoiding green tea would be the best option. For lactating women, the caffeine in green tea can pass into breast milk and affect the nursing infant
3.     Too much of green tea consumption might increase the chances of iron deficiency. Green tea contains tannins that block the absorption of iron from food and supplements. 
4.     Harmful For The Liver. 
5.     Green tea can make anxiety worse. So, people with anxiety disorders must stay away from it.
6.     The caffeine in green tea has been found to meddle with blood sugar control. Hence, diabetics must be cautious while consuming it.